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Parental soothing (by rocking, holding etc.) in infancy lays the foundations of the capacity to self-calm.[4] Thereafter transitional objects can help maintain calmness,[5] while pets as self-objects also promote soothing and calm.[6]
Calmness is a quality that can be cultivated and increased with practice,[7] or developed through psychotherapy.[8] It usually takes a trained mind to stay calm in the face of a great deal of different stimulation, and possible distractions, especially emotional ones. The negative emotions are the greatest challenge to someone who is attempting to cultivate a calm mind. Some disciplines that promote and develop calmness are prayer, yoga, tai chi, martial arts, theatre arts, gardening,[9] relaxation training, breath training, and meditation. Jon Kabat-Zinn states that \"Concentration is a cornerstone of mindfulness practice. Your mindfulness will only be as robust as the capacity of your mind to be calm and stable. Without calmness, the mirror of mindfulness will have an agitated and choppy surface and will not be able to reflect things with any accuracy.\"[10]
Another term usually associated with calmness is \"peace\".[12] A mind that is at peace or calm will cause the brain to produce \"good\" hormones, which in turn give the person a stable emotional state and promote good health in every area of life, including marriage.[13] Seeing the rise in crime and diseases around the world which are more often than not the consequences of the emotions going 'out-of-control',[14] it is therefore considered beneficial for many to stay calm and cultivate it in every possible situation, especially during stressful events such as demise of a family member or failure in business.
Self-mutilation occurs in 70-80% of patients who meet DSM-IV criteria for borderline personality disorder. Approximately 60% of these patients report that they do not feel pain during acts of self-mutilation such as cutting or burning. Findings of recent studies measuring pain perception in patients with BPD are difficult to interpret since variables such as distress, dissociation or relevant psychotropic medication have not been controlled. The Cold Pressor Test (CPT) and the Tourniquet Pain Test (TPT) were administered to 12 female patients with BPD who reported analgesia during self-mutilation and 19 age-matched healthy female control subjects. All subjects were free of psychotropic medication. The patients were studied on two occasions: during self-reported calmness and during intensive distress (strong urge to cut or burn themselves). Even during self-reported calmness, patients with BPD showed a significantly reduced perception of pain compared to healthy control subjects in both tests. During distress, pain perception in BPD patients was further significantly reduced as compared with self-reported calmness. The present findings show that self-mutilating patients with BPD who experience analgesia during self-injury show an increased threshold for pain perception even in the absence of distress. This may reflect a state-independent increased pain threshold which is further elevated during stress. Interpretation of these findings is limited by their reliance upon self-reports.
They were completely absorbed in what they were doing, demonstrating a desire to get it right. They had such patience with their work, even when an angel fell or Joseph toppled over. I was enthralled in watching them for those few minutes, and many years later I still experience feelings of calmness and joy when I think back on this time.
Never assume a kind attorney may be easily manipulated and never assume they are vulnerable or gullible. Kindness is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. As with silence and calmness, attorneys have the ability to be kind in certain situations because of their confidence in the matter at hand.
The key is that your dog cannot be focused on any food or treats you have and that they are truly relaxed and calm. This is different than asking them for a stay. When we ask a dog for a stay, we are implying that we will release them from that stay, they can be very over aroused and still hold a stay. We are seeking to help our dogs find a state of calmness and to enjoy bing calm and relaxed.
As mentioned earlier, capturing the behavior is important because we cannot tell a dog to be calm expect that they will know what to do! Calmness is not natural for all dogs, but all dogs benefit from periods of calmness. There are a few things we can do to help our dogs find a state of calm relaxation and enjoy it.
One word of caution though- just because your dog is in the down position, that does not mean they are relaxed. If your dog lies down and stares at you, expecting a treat, you will not be rewarding calmness, but focus if you offer a treat. For this exercise, you need to wait until your dog is actually calm and relaxed. I often tell pet parents to place the treat down when the dog is not looking at them to reinforce this. Remember that you want to reinforce the state of mind for your dog, not just a down behavior.
Teaching a dog to find enjoyment in being calm can take some time, especially for higher energy or hyper dogs, but all dogs benefit from learning how to have periods of calmness. The easiest way to train your dog to be calmer is to capture the behavior, then train it as a default behavior.
Capturing calmness is not meant to take a high energy dog and make them a couch potato, a dogs energy level is part of who they are! However, capturing calmness will help your dog relax when they need to and will teach them to be comfortable in a calm, relaxed state of mind. All dogs need times when they can shut their brains down for a bit and just relax.
Translation Yishuv BeMikra translates as \"calmness (quiet deliberation) in study.\" The word yishuv comes from the Hebrew root yod-shin-vav and means \"to sit\" or \"to dwell.\" The word mikra comes from the Hebrew root kuf-reish-aleph, and means \"to read\" and is understood as \"text.\" In other words, \"to dwell in the text.\"
In this project we explore this relationship via novel means of interaction. BrightBeat is a set of seamless visual, auditory, and tactile interventions that mimic a calming breathing oscillation, with the aim of influencing physiological syncing and consequently bringing a sense of focus and calmness. 59ce067264
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